Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Long Distance Lovin'

So I originally started this post while I was at the airport, waiting to board my flight to St. Louis to visit my boyfriend Jake. But in Kelsey fashion, this post sat in my drafts for a while and I figured I should probably post it.

If y'all don't know by now, I live in Florida and Jake is in Missouri, so Jake and I are clearly doing the long distance thing. To be completely honest, it's been hard but it's also been worth it. I've learned a lot about myself these past 5 months being long distance.

We have the cutest furbabies ever, Jack and Jill.

You learn to appreciate each other more.
I only get to see Jake once a month if we're lucky and it's kind of sucky. But when we do get to visit each other, we really appreciate the time we spend together. As much as we like to go out and do things, especially while he's here visiting me, some of my favorite times spent with him are being lazy, watching Netflix, snuggling our furbabies, and eating pizza. Those moments are the ones I miss the most.

Communication is key. I know everyone says this but communication, especially in a long distance relationship, is so important. When talking over iMessage, things can be taken out of context and can cause fights. Jake and I have gotten into several fights but it was just because of our communication not correctly portraying our message. So we try to resolve our fights before bed and make sure everything is a-okay.

Knowing each other's Love Languages is really important. For me, my main Love Language is Quality Time and so is his. But we clearly can't spend much quality time together because of the long distance situation. But since we can't actually see each other in person, we try to talk on the phone or FaceTime every night. That gives us some quality time to the best of our abilities. I also really love Words of Affirmations, so Jake has done a pretty good job with that and telling me that he loves me and that I'm beautiful.

It's okay to be sad about long distance sometimes. Not going to lie, this has been a very hard adjustment. Jake and I started dating at the end of January and spent every day with each other except for the little hiccup in our relationship. Going from seeing each other every day to possibly once a month has been a challenge and what makes it worse is that is makes me sad sometimes. I get so jealous of people who get to see their significant others more often and it makes me sad that we still have a while to go in this long distance situation. But I am dating an incredible man and we know that the long distance will come to an end one day.

Even though long distance isn't the most fun thing to do while in relationships, it is surely teaching me a lot about myself and my relationship. I'm looking forward to the day where we are no longer long distance. But in the meantime, I have a job that keeps me busy, friends that make me laugh, and my roommates cute cat to snuggle with.

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